Our Mission
Stories !

Top Tech to Sense Track Process & Protect
Our History

Founded in 2012 CEMILAC Approved Radars & DSP Image Processing Embedded Systems Team Size – 11 (15 by the YE)
Future Plan

Multifold growth Services Products

A Modular Pipeline Software Architecture
for Radar Signal Processing
Krushi Deep M, S L Kumar, Kiran Manju D, Traana Technologies Pvt Ltd,
HBR layout, Bangalore 560 043, Karnataka, India
Suchith Rajagopal, Vaidya Dhavalkumar Bipinchandra, Electronics and Radar
Development Establishment, DRDO, C.V.Raman Nagar, Bangalore-560093. Karnataka, India
This architecture is built around the concept of creating a processing pipeline, with each elemental signal processing algorithm being realized as an independent filter, and the entire signal processing requirements for a mode being realized by stringing together the required filters as a pipeline. The architecture is scalable in terms of different processing pipelines being able to be created in different processing cores, thus, allowing the radar system designer to add or subtract processor cores based on the processing needs.
Bringing in multiple processor cores brings in the additional challenges as the radar signal processing does switch between ranges-based processing to pulse-based processing. The other dimension of scalability that this architecture provides is the ability to add new signal processing steps or modes in form of new filters or pipeline.


Our clients
Registered technology vendor with IAF, DRDO, DPSUs(BEL, HAL)

iDEX Challenge (Ministry of Defence)

30th November 2020

Rs.1.5 Crores

Deepak Kumar Chandrasekaran , Director & CEO
BE(Electronics)@ NIT Trichy
ME(Comp. Sc.) @ IISc Bangalore
PG Dip in Mgmt @ IIM Bangalore
All with Distinction/Honors
DRDO (Govt. of India Min. of Defence), Philips, SanDisk
- Topper of No.4 Electronics Fellowship Course, IAT, DRDO
- Republic Day Awards - LRDE, DRDO Global Marketing Award - Philips
- Multiple successful consumer electronic product introductions into the market
- Pioneer in development of Airborne Radar Signal Processing in India : LCA-Multi Mode Radar & Airborne Surveillance Platform
- Part of four different Radar development programmes
- Co-ordinated technical dev. across France, Germany, NL, UK, USA, Belgium, China, India simultaneously
Avtansh Sharma, Director & Head Business
BE Hons (Electronics & Communication) NIT Trichy Crompton Greaves, Alcatel-Lucent, Sofialys
- Over 25 years of experience in Alcatel-Lucent & other MNCs in leadership roles in Telecom & Media Industries
- Set up INDIA DESIGN CENTER for Intelligent Networks from scratch – R&D and Global Delivery & Support – The largest for Alcatel
- Alcatel MD’s Award for multiple years in succession
- Significant roles in R&D, Solutions Management, Business Development, Professional Services & Partnership Management
- Served on the Board of Directors for Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) APAC
- Co-ordinated Technical developments & Solutions Management across France, Belgium, Italy, Australia, Taiwan